Jun 9, 2006 SmoothOh, I am tired right now. And have no time for sleep.
Ran out of thread last night. *sigh* So I need to go to Michael's and pick some up. I badly want to get around to making some things for myself, but just can't.
- I'm actually in a decent mood. My friend Megan stopped off for a bit, she has another friend in the area she is visiting. :)
- I'm making decent headway on my projects, it just feels slow.
- It's the weekend!
- I have a little more money in the bank than I thought I did. (not as much as I'd like, but hey.)
- Mama E said she can wait for pay day for me to get her the money for the yarn, and I get some of the Fear the Turtle colorway! WOOT! (these will be socks for Justin. He'll have to take them and like them)
So, here's what I'm planning; I am going to use the small bit of money I have left in my account to buy the yarn for my mom. After I send those silly needles back for store credit. Hopefully that all works out quickly. I'm sure I won't get around to doing it before Mommy's birthday. I'll pick up my thread later tonight, work on my thing for my SP, maybe sit and watch a movie with Justin. Tomorrow I will be doing the KIP thing. Except I can't go anywhere until about 2 because Justin has games to ump tomorrow. Sunday...um no plans. lol
Oh, I updated my SP8 questionnaire, just in case you need access to any links or anything really fast, my dear SP. Nothing special, just random stuff like yarns I like.16:18
Thanks for letting me know!
I have most of your first package ready to go - I'm just waiting for one more item to arrive in the mail. I will e-mail you when I've mailed it so you know when to expect it.
By Anonymous, at 11:33 PM
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