May 18, 2006 O-blog-atoryMy socks are progressing nicely. I'll drag the webcam out in a minute and show you. I've developed a little blister or something on my pinky from where I keep putting my fingers in between the cable and needle while knitting across the second sock. I put some "mole skin" or something on it and I'm trying not to do that anymore. Hopefully it'll just go away.
Been so tired. The Feather and Lace top or whatever I'm calling it is slow-going. Mostly because it's really irritating to work the lace pattern for a shirt with such small needles and yarn.
I want to make really small socks or booties for Hobbes. That'd be hilarious. For now here he is taking his nap. Which is what I'd like to be doing. (Heather thought he looked cold.)10:51
Awww chilly kitty!! That's so adorable.
By elizabeth marley, at 11:34 AM
Oblogatory...yuck yuck yuck!!! (as in Muppet laughter)
I love the color of the socks and the pattern the colors are making is nice.
By Anonymous, at 1:12 AM
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