May 13, 2006


*sigh* This is only a semi-knitting post. I'm really very frustrated. Justin was on duty Thursday and he's on duty again today. It really sucks. Basically our whole weekend has been flushed down the toilet! Yesterday he should have had the day off, but spent until about 1pm doing some paperwork nonsense. Guh. I hate the stupid Marine Corps.

Then he had to ump at one of those ball games. It seems like he's always doing those now. And even worse, it's severely cutting into my yarn shop time. I mean, how is this fair? I started knitting to relax me. Okay, so I learned how to knit just to make a hat. But now I really love it and I'm glad that I resolved to learn how. It gives me such joy and (maybe this is weird) a sense of purpose.

My kids are great, but they really are more stress than I can handle sometimes. Knitting is simple and makes me feel like I'm achieving something. Even if my hubby doesn't appreciate it, there are tons of people online who have good things to say. Which makes me feel great! Now I know that is odd, relying on people online to compliment you. lol I also have the yarn shop though. Everyone there is so great. And I love going there. It's become one of my favorite things to do, and I try to get out there at least twice a week. Now, suddenly, Justin is doing this baseball thing almost every evening and I can't get out there because I've gotta watch the kids.

Then he's tired when he gets home. He's got time for everything else, but doesn't seem to be able to make time for me. Or to allow for me to have time to myself. There will be even less time for me once the newest addition to the family is born. Am I asking too much? Really? I think I ought to sit down and talk to him. They make up the schedule every two weeks. Maybe I can talk to him and have him ask the organizer not to schedule him on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. At least one of those days. That will allow me to get out to the shop at least once a week.

Anyway...on to the knitting!

I'm trying to work on the Cleaves, as they are my favorite project and I want so badly to get them finished. Though the process seems to be slow-going for some reason. It could be all of the stress. More likely I think it's not working on it for about a week or two. I've been busy with the Lelah top and then I started the socks.

Linda and everyone in the shop LOVED my Lelah! They all thought it was so cute! I dragged the kids into The Tail Spinner because Justin had that game Friday night. It turned out not to be so awful. The only real salvation to the day actually. We went to the shop, played in the little park across the parking lot from it until it started to get dark. Then we dropped by the ball game and watched Justin. Heather seemed to love it. She wouldn't let us leave until she got to say hi. Which of course had to wait until the game ended. I was going to work on my socks some while I was there, but really couldn't since Kyran wanted to sleep on me.

Kitty's Story

Vintage 008

First, I must confess my name isn't Kitty, or anything even close. It just comes from an affinity for cats. Second, I love to craft, create, and imagine. I can draw a bit, knit a lot, and sew just enough to get by. My world revolves around the loves of my life; my three children. Anything more you want to know about me is on Ravelry or check me out on FB!

Crystal Shadrick

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*Disclaimer!* I'm totally crazy. The patterns I offer are often variations of other patterns, things I have reverse engineered. I don't claim to be wonderful and smart and an all-knowing designer. So enjoy them!.

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