Dec 27, 2006 And a Happy Mew Year* Alright, I've seen this meme floating around and I can't wait for someone to officially tag me, so I'll just do it on my own. lol Mostly because I am just, in general, a weird person.
Here are the rules:
Each player of this game starts with the weird things about you.People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their comments and tell them to read your blog.
Where shall we begin...? 1. My Feet: I wear a size 8 shoe, yet my feet are 9.75 inches long, and I always have to use the smallest sock size when knitting. My second toe is longer than my first (which according to my father makes me a serial killer....) and I have high arches.
2. Speaking of: I watch Court TV all day long. And have several times frightened people by talking about how to get away with murder. I could do it. I just hate blood.
3. My eating habits: Most everything I eat is plain. For example: I eat hamburgers, just the meat and bun, no cheese. Peanut butter sandwhiches, no jelly. You get the idea. I sprinkle granulated sugar on my pancakes and roll them up (crepe style), I don't like syrup. I rarely make a mess with sloppy joes.
4. My sleeping habits: I tend to be slightly nocturnal. My kids mostly broke me of that habit. When I sleep I have to have a blanket. And, although I can fall asleep with noise, I cannot stay asleep. In otherwords, if I leave the television on it will wake me back up.
5. My grammar: That's right, I'm a bit of a grammar/spelling Nazi. Usually, I am not too bad online. Though I have been known to find a mistake in a blog from over a year earlier and edit the post. is in my favorites, just in case I'm unsure of a certain word's spelling.
6. My background: I'm uncertain of where exactly my roots are located. But if you ever want to give yourself a headache - My mom's dad married my dad's sister. This doesn't make me related to myself, or my parents related to each other. Not by blood anyway. My mom's dad isn't her biological father. Still, have fun with that.
Oops. This was supposed to be a quick post. Only I could make something so simple into a huge ordeal. lol Not only that but I forgot to upload the photo I meant to post here. Let me do that now while I tell you about it.
The only real knitting related items I got for Christmas were Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush, and a $100 gift certificate for The Tail Spinner. Now, I know that sounds like a lot of money, but it's not. Well, it is. lol But I'm going to use it all on spinning lessons. Which means that I won't be using it for yarn. The book came from my LYS owner, she's fabulous!! This book is absolutely suited to me. I really wish I hadn't let Justin take the wrapping off of The Sound of Music. Not that I don't like the movie, just that I could have returned it and used that money for something more um...Crystal-like.
Oh, I re-started the Thuja socks for Justin. This time from the toe-up. I think that when I do the second sock I'll flip the pattern so they mirror each other. Not that he's the kinda guy that will notice, but I am the kinda girl who will. Anyhow, I think that I've gotten pretty far on them, considering I just cast-on yesterday. Already 6 inches into the foot of the first sock. You know, my husband has small feet for a man. Only 10 and a quarter inches, my mom's are 10. Anyway, I hope that I do this right. I measured my row gauge (which I rarely do), so that I could figure out how many inches I needed to knit before increasing for the heel.
I got some good stuff though. Don Juan DeMarco from my mom, and Futuresex/Lovesounds from Justin. He also got me some Cheshire Cat pjs!! Hooray! I love them. Love. I'm going crazy because the shop isn't open until like the fifth of January. *sigh* I want to say thank you to Linda!! And, of course, I want to pick up a few things. Like, a skein or two of Cascade and some more of the Susan Bates Needles I am using for Thuja because doing them with only four needles is KILLING me.
Heather got her I Can Play Piano thing from my mom. Kyran was too busy playing with all of Nolan's toys to enjoy his baseball thing. lol
*P.S. No, that's not a type. I'm just strange.Labels: knitting, lists/surveys, pictures, socks 12:26
Those are wonderful toe ups! I love the way that your kitty knits!!
MsFortuknit, at 1:44 PM
You have a talented kitty there! LOL
Happy New Year! :-)
Anonymous, at 12:21 PM
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