Jul 22, 2007 All Aboard the Crazy TrainActually, I had no really good title. That's just completely random.
I realized a few days ago that I neglected to take pictures of the back of my Coachella. Which is kind of important considering that it's the only part that is different. From the front it looks exactly the same. Mr. Shad says that he likes the opening in the back...because it shows of my tattoo. lol I'll let you know when I believe that. Anyways, a few things I would change if I did it again: either not knit the beginning and end on smaller needles, or at least not Ktbl. It made the edges so firm that they don't really roll. :( Since I didn't knit the back piece, I just CO the extra stitches. I should have done that on smaller needles. Maybe not 7s. Maybe just 8s? I don't know. But it has a tendency to slip sometimes. Which wouldn't be a problem if that didn't mean bra exposure.
Also, finished the huge sweater Friday night. Took it into the shop on Saturday. So my pictures were taken at night. Sorry about that. Linda (LYS owner) loved it. Which is great since it was for her. I still stand by my conviction that it is the ugliest sweater I have made. It pretty much reinforces the "old lady sweater" knitting cliche! How am I supposed to convince my friends that knitting is not only cool but hot too?! (wow...did anyone else feel that was contradictory? No? Just me.) To show you exactly how big it is, I put my Wicked sweater on the floor with it. It seriously made me laugh. I still don't know why she had me knit that size, Linda is not that big. Eh, maybe she wants it to be oversized? Either way it's done. Which means...I get to CO for a new project!! Woohoo.
So, in my excitement to be done I swatched and started the Gracefully Gathered Halter top from Knitting Lingerie Style. This is pretty much the best book ever. Maybe other people don't think so. But I am not other people. It's a lovely book, with amazing patterns, beautiful photographs, good instruction, and fun informative writing. Totally worth the $30. Okay, back to the newest WIP. When I swatched I got 15sts over 4" on size 10.5 needles, instead of the 14sts over 4" on size 10 needles. Of course, that could be because I was using a worsted weight yarn instead of a bulky weight. *duh* Oh well, I am convinced that this will work. So far it is. Just to make sure I tried what I have done on. It fits. So all is well. Knitting this made me realize that I am way more attracted to dark color combinations than bright ones. Anyways, this is going SO fast. The piece measures 9" already, and I start the shaping for the back and bust at 11! Thanks again Sunne for the yarn! My LYS owner was impressed that you bought me anything with cashmere in it. lol When I told her you bought me four whole balls she said you must really like me. :D I'm totally rambling. I had to buy some yarn to compensate, apparently I need like...400yds to make the halter and the boy shorts. All four balls of yarn only add up to 350yds. So I bought some Cascade Cotton Rich. Five dollars for 80yds. Not too bad. The white was the only color that I could buy that wasn't like...horribly mismatched. There was a blue and a purplish color, but they were both too light.
P.S. You should all favorite Yarn Bouquets, and email the link to your loved ones. It's awesomeness! Labels: Coachella, finished object, Gracefully Gathered halter, happiness, knitting, Knitting Lingerie Style, progress, sweater 10:26
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