Sep 4, 2006 Now it's Time...To let ya know what I'm up to. I've finished Jamie's pedicure socks. They look really cute, or I think so. She should like them, I plan on buying her a pedicure set to go with it. Ummm, I wanna make some Converse Booties to sell at Farmer's Day. Which would be awesome. The Harry Potter scarf is still not done, I had some trouble with it thoug. After I came home from the Tail Spinner one day my Bryspun needles broke!! They were some of my favorites, but most used and it totally made sense. Sadness. But I found another set and finished the ball I had. Unfortunately it's not long enough! To make matters worse, Linda doesn't have any more. *sniffle sob* So let's hope I can find some more soon.
Both Hedera socks are finished. I've been staring at my hank of Mama-E's Beauregarde forEVER! Now I've finally cast on the Baudelaire socks, and had the worst time of it by the way. Don't know why though. I wanted to do them on DPNs but couldn't find a way to divide them evenly enough for my strange slightly OCD self. I started them like 4 or 5 different times and then ripped it out. Anyways, I have the toe kinda started, but there are other things I need to get done.
Recently Linda hooked me up with Posey. I'm going to start contract knitting for her! Which will also bring in some more money. It'll suck because I can't take those things to the shop, or blog about them. But I'll get over it. I mean, if I could avoid blogging about MP, then I can do that. Actually, I still need to finish that too. *sigh* So much to do!!!!
Pictures to come, I promise.22:03
I'm doing the Gryffindor (sp?) one.
Shadkitty, at 4:56 PM
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