Oct 11, 2007 Baby Blue As all of you know, Nolan is kind of an odd duck, lookswise, in our family. His blonde hair, pale skin, and soft blue eyes make him stand out. I was never really fond of blonde hair and blue eyes, but I can't get enough of his. Especially those eyes. They pretty much enchant me. His Irish eyes are always smiling, which is probably what I love so much. :)
At 4:30 this morning I got up and scrambled the kids together. They were dropped off while Nolan and I waded through traffic to get to base. After wearily finding my way to the APU, we were checked in, and sat back to relax a bit. The gentleman who helped us was really very sweet, I wish I had snapped a picture! His name was Matt, and he complimented Nolan on his name and demeanor. I love the people at the naval hospital, they are really great. Not weird and disassociated like I have experienced at other hospitals. Anyhow, we waited around rather patiently (for people who had woken up early and not eaten) for them to call us to the ORT. He got a little ancy in the ORT, but didn't take long to bond with the anesthesiologist. Then they were whisking my baby off and I had to find the waiting room. I think I was in there for all of 10 minutes.
He was pretty mad at first, very hungry and confused. When the nurses back in the APU got some juice for him, he calmed right down. Even when he was crying people couldn't help but comment on how adorable he is. After hanging out in the APU/recovery room, drinkin some juice, and knitting, it was finally time to go home. And by finally, I mean it was 10:30. lol Matt had the hook up in the pharmacy (his wife) and saved us from waiting another half an hour to an hour for Nolan's eyedrops. He took us all the way to my van (it really wasn't that far), and we headed off to pick up Heather and Kyran.
Now Nolan's piercing blue eyes can really shine through. No more cleaning goopy eyes, and having to explain that he is not sick. Just, overpowering, pleasant, and joyful blue eyes. That's all.
P.S. I knit him the eye patch as a joke (it was Elizabeth 's idea!), yesterday while waiting to call and find out his arrival time for surgeryLabels: babies, Nolan, relief, surgery 13:57
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