Nov 12, 2007 Bad Blogger, Bad Eh, I guess I should post, huh? It's only been almost a week. There couldn't possibly be that much to talk about, right? Oh...wait. There is. Agh. I have two finished objects, and a really crazy weekend to talk about. Guess I should begin where I left off.
The pedicure socks are finally done. I don't know why I waited so long. Of course...I still haven't sent them. Speaking of, if I said I was going to send you something...expect it after I get back from Georgia around the 27th. lol Maybe I will try to get them out this week, before I leave. Anyways, a friend I hadn't talked to in ages called me up to see if I could alter his wife's ball gown. Sure. I don't see why not. The sewing machine was still out from Nolan's costume. Oh, in case you don't remember this from last year, or I didn't mention it, every year the Marine Corps has a huge formal event to celebrate the Marine Corps' birthday. It's a blast. Even when your Marine is deployed, they still throw ya a party. It's just...smaller. I'll get to that. I meant to take pictures of this gown after I altered it, but forgot. Gonna assume it fit since she never called me to fix it again.
That was...Monday, Tuesday? Sure, why not. On Thursday-ish, my friend/date for the deployed spouses ball, Brandy came over so that we could decide which dresses to wear. Ha, I told her what I planned on wearing and she said, "You know it's tomorrow right?". Um. Duh, of course I can alter a gown in one day. Who can't? lol Anyways, it was a simple alteration. Cut the top half of the gown off, toss it, sew some elastic into the bottom half, ta da! A skirt. I also used a bit of the straps from the top half to make little loops next to the zipper, which I pulled some purple ribbon through. Actually, I have to credit Mouse with that idea. Oh, now you are all going...wait...what are you wearing as a top? A corset baby. Hellz yeah. I was hawwwtttt. But you don't have to take my word for it. :)
Friday, I actually did the gown alterations. Got ready...and went to the ball. It was a blast. Even if the DJ was trying to make us all cry. After the ball ( soon as possible), Brandy and I went back to her place so that we could change. I pimped Goddess. :D Then we headed out to this RIDICULOUS, redneck karaoke bar. Oh man, we've been before, and I really dislike this bar. Makes me feel really out of place. Clubs baby, I want a club. So, I order my first drink and call text Tyler, who makes any bar more fun. He played pool, I got drunk, everyone had fun! Really, it was an okay time after the third drink. lol Hey, who can argue with Cristal singing Du Hast. She did a good job too. Scared me anyways! At some point we decided to leave and go to Cristal's. Once there we played Cranium...sorta. I was way more interested in playing catch with this one guy, Joe. No idea how I was even catching those balls either. :D Everyone crashed at her house, at around 5am. Too bad her twins woke up at 8! Ugh. We left around nine-ish, and Tyler took me back to my house, where we made breakfast. The kitchen was trashed though. :( I was a little upset with Kyle and Emily (who watched the kids), but...they did watch my kids overnight for me. Oh, btw, apparently Tyler loves to cook, and misses it. Which works out wonderfully for me because I hate cooking. I told him to come use my kitchen ANY time. Seriously.
Ummmm...I basically did nothing the rest of the weekend. Well, I finished Swell. What? I didn't mention that? Oh. Right. Probably because I started it around that same Tuesday. Or maybe Wednesday. Either way. Anyways, it was supposed to be a Christmas gift for Tyler, but apparently he hates Christmas. So, I just gave it to him when I finished it. Actually, there were some gauge issues, and I was afraid that it may not fit. To make sure, I had him come over and try on the hat. It still needed the ends woven in and blocking...but he didn't want to leave without it. He has to go to the field this week and wanted the hat to keep him warm. Guess I should be flattered that he loved it so much!! How adorable is that picture by the way? Even if I did have to lean over all awkward to get it. My couches are ridiculously comfy, and nobody ever wants to get off of them. lol There is enough yarn to make another hat, I'm thinking of either doing it in reverse or making a beanie with a brim/bill on it. Like the one in the picture of me above (at the bar). As always, click any picture to see it bigger.Labels: blogging, finished object, hat, rambling, socks, Swell, updating 22:55
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