Apr 18, 2012
And Baby Makes...Yes, I'm having another baby! I know, it's crazy, right? We found out after Thanksgiving, so I'm about 25 weeks (6 or so months?) now. Believe it or not, we are pretty excited about this. Although I plan on asking the doctor to tie my tubes while he's down there!

We also got married! Oh my goodness! And there has been lots of knitting. The wedding was small and simple. No more than 30 guests were there, we had it in his parents' backyard. They made all of the food. And ex-husband, Mr. Shad, took the pictures! Here are a few for ya. There are some more on my flickr.

Why yes, that is a handknit garter and headpiece! For those who are curious, the dress is an infinity wrap/octopus dress purchased from
Coralie Beatrix. My daughter is wearing the same style dress, only tied differently (because she has no figure yet). I also did her hair. :) Was very proud of myself. So, you have seen two of my recent projects, but there has been LOTS of knitting. Mostly for babies. Not only am I pregnant, it seems all of my friends are too! It must be going around. Here you go!

21:16 |
Oct 16, 2011
If OnlyYeah, I'm a terrible blogger. Nobody really reads this anymore, actually there were only a few to begin with and Ravelry has pretty much sucked us all in. Now that I have an iPhone, my life is all on this stupid gadget. Yes, that's right, I'm blogging from my phone. Oh well. Such is life. If I was a better, more consistent blogger the things I'd say next would get more publicity and hopefully drive up anticipation.
Knitting has become much more than an outlet lately. When I'm not at school, sleeping or cleaning...yarn is rhythmically forming beautiful garments and accessories. I've even sold a few items here and there, though the prices are usually incredibly low. Can't seem to bring myself to squeeze every last penny from my friends and classmates. As the weather begins to grow colder and leaves fall from the trees, knitted sweaters, hats and scarves begin to dance through my mind. Seems I'm not the only one either.
Most of you know me as a fearless knitter, always ready to accept any challenge. Rarely knitting the same project twice, always looking for new ideas and techniques. Recently I challenged myself to create a knockoff of another knitter's design. It kinda makes me feel bad, like stealing...still I can't help it of I figured out how to construct it on my own. Just couldn't bring myself to pay for the pattern. Out of respect, I'm not offering my notes up. Don't want to offend anyone or get into trouble. Yet, I cannot help being proud of myself. So what if I'm a knockoff artist? An artist is an artist. Last night, a good friend of mine inquired if I had the ability to make a hooded cardigan. Such a small request and a few pictures inspired me. If this works out, it will be my first pattern available for purchase. There are very few people that I will knit for, however this particular friend would actually be perfect for this design as well as for handknits in general. Honestly, how many of you love to see a good looking man in a beautiful scarf? Me too. It's not a scarf, so you know. Just a hypothetical. That's all I'm really willing to say about it at the moment.Labels: knitting
14:11 |
Mar 18, 2011
BoostedToday was a fabulous Friday at school! I made $22 in tips today between three clients. Beau says it was the skirt (yes, I wore a skirt), and it might have been. But I think that my skill helped. The last client of the day came in with a picture of a scene style haircut. Wish I could find the exact pic he brought in, but oh well. Another student was convinced that if anybody could achieve the desired look, it was me. Going into it, I was a little unsure. But really, only a very little. My instructor said that there was no way to explain or set up the cut, just to go in and do it. Having that kind of freedom really just releases all my creativity! This time there are pictures!


What do you think?! He works at Hot Topic and says he'll send me loads of business, and that he'll take better pics of it later! Oh this was exciting for me! Everyone was so impressed. My instructor said she never knew I had it in me. Psht. ;) You all did. And here is a shot of my makeup for the day. "Look at the stars, look how they shine for you and everything you do. Yeah they were all yellow"

I don't really feel like doing a product list right now, kinda tired. Also, at the request of a couple of my friends, there will be a lot more of these posts, and maybe a few video tutorials. Apparently they are in need of some help!
Labels: hair, makeup, school
23:34 |
Mar 16, 2011
DaydreamingHm...actually it's 1:30 in the morning. Either way. Anyhow, how blasphemous would it be to start knitting wedding stuff when you aren't even engaged? Probably terrible. Jinx-worthy. Maybe like a whole new sweater curse?
See, lately I've been thinking that the next time I get married (and I do hope to one day) I would like to wear a mainly knitted wardrobe. There is a dress and everything. The thing is, I'd worry about not getting everything done in time. Couldn't I just get a head start? Then when the day comes around, everything will be prepared! Less to stress over. Haha. Maybe I should just go to bed, hm?
In knitting news, I have finished the Tinky Winky baby sweater for my friend's nephew...sorta. It needs to be blocked, buttons sewn on. That's all. Also, Kyrannosaurus Rex is done, save for the details. Can you tell that I'm really just needing something simple? Knitting has been very aggravating lately, I need a simple, cathartic pattern. Somehow it all ends up being more complicated than it should be. The money flow here has been really tight. Beau and I aren't working. This leads to excess stress for me, which causes my body to revolt (it reacts poorly to stressful situations), this in turn worsens the stress. It's a vicious cycle. Last week I finished spinning 2oz of merino top in one sitting. Beau said I was a spinnin' fool! Then I plied it Sunday. It turned out nicely, can't wait to use it for Diversify. That should be a simple, straightforward knit.Labels: details, dreaming, Kyrannosaurus, stress, sweater, toys, weddings
00:35 |
Mar 12, 2011
Let's Go Back
I wanted to put my hair up today, get it out of my face. It's so short now though that it requires a bit of creativity on my part. So, I did a bouffant-type hairstyle with a few pincurls. Beau laughed at me, everyone else thought it was cute. My makeup is my take on this look. A list of products I used is below the pictures if you're interested. Everyone at school loved it. Also, there are more pics on Flickr (as always). Wish I could take super good shots of my makeup. These are good enough though.
EyesUrban Decay Primer Potion - Sin
Too Faced Neutral Eye Collection
- Velvet Revolver
- Sexpresso
Coastal Scents 56 palette - 2nd row from bottom, 1st in from right
LASplash Eyeshadow Sealer/Base
LASplash Crystallized Glitter - Bliss
Studio Gear gel liner - Onyx
NYX cake brow powder - Taupe/Ash
LipsBare Escentuals lipstick - Bread Pudding
Mary Kate & Ashley lipgloss - clear
Labels: makeup
00:08 |
Mar 6, 2011
Yarn and Eyeshadow
I haven't given up on the picture-a-day thing. But don't really have a picture for the next "day". Lately I've been on a baby knitting spree. Maybe you noticed. It's that time of year. Everyone is either getting married or having babies. Thankfully, I am neither. To those of you who are, CONGRATS!!! Now I have reasons to knit small, adorable projects. For some reason, the most recent project I began, I chose to do stripes. Three different colors (all stash again!). On size 9 needles, this knits up fast. However, there are millions of ends to weave in and it is slowly becoming frustrating. Here is the pattern. Not very thorough, actually I think the entire reason I wanted to knit this was the adorable baby wearing the sweater. The other project I have going on right now is Dirty Deer hat for Beau. Colorwork...yay. My stranding sucks. It just does. Especially over large areas where I have to trap the yarn. This all leaves me yearning for something simple to knit. Pogona is done now, it's gorgeous! Such a beautiful and simple pattern. Maybe I'll do that Boneyard shawl.

School is going well, if you were curious. I really should get a small camera to take pictures for my portfolio. Anyways, I wanted to integrate some makeup stuff. While at Wal-mart making frivolous purchases, I picked up some lime green nail polish. The color was super exciting, after applying all I did was show off my nails. Being at school, everyone was very patronizing. It was so spectacular that it inspired an entire makeup look. Though I had to go out and hunt down a good matching eye shadow color. Well worth it. There were many compliments on this particular look. My client that day (who had to stare at me for 5-6 hours while I did her perm) absolutely loved it. Even though she said she didn't usually like solid color shadows. Which...it wasn't. Here is the look, and the polish. Wish I'd gotten a pic of them together.

If you're curious, here is a list of products for my "Wild Thing" look:
FacePhysician's Formula Gentle Coverage Concealer Soft Yellow
Bare Mineral's Prime Time
Bare Mineral's Foundation - 1N Fairly Light
Bare Mineral's Mineral Veil
Bare Mineral's Blush - Flowers
EyesUrban Decay Primer Potion
Cover Girl Eye Enhancers 3 shadows - Firecracker (green only)
Sephora eyeshadow - Picnic in the Park
Coastal Scents 56 palette - Black
NYX jumbo eyeshadow pencil - Milk
Studio Gear gel eyeliner - Onyx
Too Faced Natural Eye kit - Heaven
NYX eyebrow cake powder - Taupe/Ash
LipswetNwild lip liner - Brandy Wine
Some ridiculous cheap red lipstick
wetNwild lip gloss - Sweet Glaze
NailsPure Ice - Wild Thing
22:55 |
Feb 13, 2011
Day 09A picture of the person who has gotten you through the most.
You guys are going to be so tired of seeing my mom. Really.

Because I feel like I am using her too often, I'll also post a picture of the person who is second on that list. Mom has a leg up on everyone else, she has known me my whole life. So, the person who has seen me through the second most (and this might come as a surprise to some of you) is Mr. Shad. Yes, I know. Just because it didn't work out, doesn't mean that he didn't look out for me. He still does too. I may not always like what he has to say, but he tells me things as he sees them. There have been some hard times in the last seven years, and he was always right there.

10:44 |