Apr 30, 2006


OKAY! I know I posted already today...but I suddenly just had a lovely idea and had to share it. With um...absolutely nobody cuz nobody reads this. lol But still...here it is:

I'm going to make an ENTIRE outfit! I might have to use cheap yarn, but I don't think I will. lol It might cost a bit and take a bit, but I will get this done. Anyhow, the outfit will consist of a Lelah top customized for my belly, a Lelah skirt, and the Gwen-a-be Zim hat. All done in purple and white. I want to use Bamboo for the hat (as I've said before) except I think the purple they have will be too dark. So I think I might use the Debbie Bliss cotton DK (13) or maybe I'll just use the same yarn as I use for the top and skirt.

For those I plan on using Classic Elite Four Seaons in Violet (7656) and Violet Print (7654), I'd have to buy some white for the hat. But that's fine. The top and skirt will have the stockinette part done in the print and the lace part done in the solid. Anyway it's a cotton yarn, which means I won't have to worry about overheating! YAY! I think the whole thing would look too cute as an ensemble. ;) They all have ribbon and lace/eyelet patterns. Plus the hat would give me a chance to seperate the colors (so to speak) from the print.

This is probably a total of 13-14 balls of yarn. (I'm thinking 6 for the top, 5 for the skirt, 2 for the hat...plus one for good measure) Which will total me about $64.45. Actually. That's less than what I'm spending on my Cleaves. :( How sad is THAT? lol

A sleeve for the Cleaves!

Okay...well part of a sleeve. lol It's about 16 inches so far and needs to be 22. So I've got another six to go. But that's still pretty good I think! It makes me happy that I've started on it anyway.

The only problem is that I realized that the gauge means I have to follow the pattern for the large size to get a small size. Which kinda blows because the large pattern calls for five skeins and there are only four. :( I seriously hope I'm not gonna end up regretting this. I mean, I could have bought the yarn the pattern calls for online. For less too. *sigh* Oh well, too late now!

Oh yeah, don't forget about the Gwen-a-be hat.

We leave for Maryland tomorrow, I'm probably going to run out of yarn while I'm there. *sigh* But that's okay, maybe I can convince my mom to buy me some more...for I don't know what. :D

Apr 24, 2006

More hats

Ugh...I can't seem to stop myself from making hats. Although I'm not really happy with the last two. I want to try the Gwen-a-be Zim hat again. In bamboo. :D

But I'm debating what I'll do. Should I buy another skein of that Coyote (it's Zia from Fiesta Yarns and it IS discontinued) and maybe the DPNs? Or should I just buy some other stuff on sale at Webs?

Bah...I don't know.

I'll let you know, and update with pictures soon too.

I want a cow.

Apr 20, 2006

Late night knitting

*sigh* I do this alllll of the time, but I can't help it.

Knitted up one of those feline dim sum things from knitty. It's super cute, except I sewed ALL of the corners together because I hated the way it looked otherwise. I think I'll try another one and make it smaller.

I wanted to make a shrug with my newest Cascade 220...but now I'm thinking not so much. Actually, I want to make that Gwen-a-be Zim hat, it's too cute. But I want to make the bottom flare a bit. Guess I'll drop by the Tail Spinner and ask Linda for some advice. I'm thinking that Cascade would work up beautifully for that. Though that patterns SCREAMS out for some bamboo or cotton. Also, if we have the money I'm gonna splurge on that yarn. I deserve it...right?

Of course, we probably won't have the money. And I'll have to hold out on buying needles til next paycheck. *sigh*

Apr 19, 2006


I've been kinda busy and stuff lately. But oh well.

Unfortunately fundage has been low...I wanna buy some of that gorgeous Fiesta yarn sooo badly. Linda said she'd do a kinda layaway thing for me if I wanted. *sigh* Just gotta see if I can afford it. I'm in love with these fiesta yarns, the colorways are beautiful. The yarn at the store is Coyote, and I saw another one that I want La Luz Multi in Taos.

The Coyote I could only find as a colorway for a few of their yarns, but the hanks at the store are made of 100% Egyptian Cotton. *purrrrr* I guess they discontinued that kind of yarn. The closest I could find was Lusso, but that doesn't come in Coyote.

Apr 10, 2006

Just ranting....

Okay...so I'm working on that belt to match the shrug. I think I'm going to full it. Yeah.

I also think I'm going to just totally erase this entire template/layout. As it's getting REALLY annoying that everyone has to click entry just to see the darn thing! But I put a lot of work into it. :( Bleh. I really should have just changed my livejournal into my knitting blog. :P

Oh, I finished Heather's shrug but made the back part too small. It's hard to measure a squiggly three year old!!! Right now I'm searching for the perfect yarn to make the cleaves. Actually...I saw the most lovelyyyyyy yarn at The Tail Spinner, but it's $26 a skein! *cries* She even has 4 skeins of it!! Ugh. I hate being broke. Maybe I'll just use the Iceland...it just doesn't look or feel how I want it to. lol No worries for now though, I'm just gonna work on my stash for now. Until we have a bit more money. Maybe my mom will donate to me for Easter. ;) Teehee.

Alright, back to that belt!

Apr 8, 2006

HOORAY! The hat is done!

I'm soooo excited!! I finished my Cheshire cat hat in like two days! I got that bamboo yarn and just knit and knit! It's super cute :)

Here's one of Heather modeling for me:

And oh yeah...that shrug that I did. Since I'm posting pictures anyway. :P

Apr 2, 2006

Blah blah blah

Okay. So I finished the pink panta. I'll post pictures later. Now I have to start the pantas for the girls, I bought the sweetest buttons to go on them! So now I will get to make the buttoned pantas, completing two projects at once. Nice.

I freakin hate Wal-mart and will never go there again for my crafting needs!! They didn't have ANYTHING that I needed to start the Cleaves. Which is what Justin suggested I put on my needles just to keep me busy last night. Because I couldn't really get to the LYS, Linda was at a historical ren-enactment thing. Boo! Which, of course, means that I couldn't buy the yarn to start my kitty hat!!! ARG!!! I want to cast on for that soooo badly. I'm really excited about working with the bamboo yarn too. Even though I get the idea it's kind of a special yarn, it's the only yarn I can find in the colors I want.

If Justin gives Valerie a call I can start the pantas for the Triple A's. Really, I'm starting to get sick of pantas. I wanna make something bigger...or prettier. Or maybe just more difficult. Blahhh I have no idea what I'm even talking about. lol

Oh, but I did make myself some needles. They're not great but the beads on them are reallyyy prettyyyyy!! I'll post pics of those later too. Come Tuesday I'll get to the LYS and pick up what I need.

Kitty's Story

Vintage 008

First, I must confess my name isn't Kitty, or anything even close. It just comes from an affinity for cats. Second, I love to craft, create, and imagine. I can draw a bit, knit a lot, and sew just enough to get by. My world revolves around the loves of my life; my three children. Anything more you want to know about me is on Ravelry or check me out on FB!

Crystal Shadrick

Create Your Badge

*Disclaimer!* I'm totally crazy. The patterns I offer are often variations of other patterns, things I have reverse engineered. I don't claim to be wonderful and smart and an all-knowing designer. So enjoy them!.

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All free patterns have been moved here. Hopefully this will help you find them more easily! All of the pattern posts (except the ones that contain other info) will be deleted in a week or two.




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